Legal Notices: June 25, 2014



May 20, 2014 Minutes Summary
A motion was m/s/p, Lauer/ Northenscold, to approve the Consent Agenda except for moving Approval of Economic Development Report and Approval of Engineer’s Report to new business, all present voted in favor. 
A motion was m/s/p, Dircks/ Lauer, approved moving the Economic Development Report and Approval of Engineer’s Report to New Business, all present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Dircks/Lauer to adopt Resolution R-2014-16 Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of $1,470,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2014A. All present voted in favor except Northenscold who opposed.
A motion was m/s/p, Dircks/ Geyen, to adopt Resolution R-2014-17 authorizing reimbursing the City from the bond proceeds for the 2014 Street Improvement Project. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p,  Kissock/ Geyen, to approve the Contractor’s Request for Payment #1 in the amount of $82,373.55 to LaTour Construction, delaying payment to June 12, 2014.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Northensold to adopt Resolution R2014-18 approving the bylaws changes for the Fire Department Relief Association as presented. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer, appointing Geyen & Kissock as representatives to the Fire Board. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Lauer/ Geyen, approving the hiring of Bill Eccless and Kirk Larson to the Fire Department and authorized hiring 2 additional firefighters in the fall.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Northenscold, approving Renegade Bassers to place a sign at the City’s boat access on Maple Lake at their expense and to coordinate placement of sign with Sawatzke.    
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer, to clarify that Verna Otto was hired as Lead Clerk for Maple Lake Wine & Spirits.
A motion was m/s/p,  Lauer/ Dircks, to hire Amy Lebeau as Liquor Store Clerk at the rate of pay according to job description and recommendation by Bestland. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p,  Kissock/ Dircks, to hire Ross Hickey as Stock Clerk at the rate of pay according to job description and recommendation by Bestland. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer, to extend the deadline to September 1, 2014 for Bestland to take the required 1 consecutive week of vacation. All present voted in favor. 
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Geyen, to adopt Resolution R2014-19 m/s/p, Kissock/Geyen  amending the Drug and Alcohol Free Work Place Policy. All present voted in favor.   
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer determining that no disciplinary action was warranted against Carole Bestland. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Dircks, to authorize a 50’x80’ addition to the maintenance building at a cost not to exceed $100,000 per quotes received. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Dircks standing motion to authorize hiring a part-time lawn mowing position at a rate of pay to be consistent with job description and recommendation of Public Works Director.  All present voted in favor except Geyen who opposed.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer, to adopt resolution R2014-20 to approve the Sign Retroreflectivity Policy. All present voted in favor. 
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer, to schedule a Public Hearing for Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm to consider a Tax Abatement for the Maple Lake Vet Clinic. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Lauer, to proceed with the warranty inspection for the I&I Improvement Project. All present voted in favor.
A motion was m/s/p, Kissock/ Geyen, to authorize electrical work done by SP Electric to add outlets for equipment in the cable room.
A motion was m/s/p, Dircks/ Geyen, to adjourn the meeting at 10:32 p.m. All present voted in favor.  
City Clerk/Treasurer
A copy of the entire minutes is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the office of the City Clerk or a copy is available on the City’s website at
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:  Notice is hereby given that Corinna Township Planning Commission/ Board of Adjustment will convene Tuesday, July 8, 2014, at 7:00 PM at Corinna Town Hall to conduct the following public hearing(s):
Variance to construct two additions to an existing attached garage approx. 95 ft and 90 ft from the centerline of a County Road (min. 120 ft required). Additions to be an approx. 26’4” x 2’6” dormer, supported by posts, and a 1’ x 10’ “bump out”. Applicant: Brady and Andrea Smith. Property address: 7051 – 102nd Street NW, Maple Lake. Sec/Twp/Range: 11-121-027. Parcel number(s): 206000114400.
Variance to replace an existing above-ground holding tank with a new above-ground holding tank to be located approx. 1-3 feet from a dwelling (min. 10 ft required), under a deck and with alternate cover/insulation methods. Applicant: Craig & Stacy Pietrowski. Property address: 11932 Hollister Ave NW, Annandale. Sec/Twp/Range: 02-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206011000025, 206011000027.
Temporary use permit to allow for use of an accessory building as a dwelling while the primary dwelling is rebuilt. Applicant: Lesa Roy. Property address: 10389 State Highway 24 NW, Annandale. Sec/Twp/Range: 09-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206000092304.
All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to the Township. Application information and a staff report are available for viewing at (staff report typically 5-7 days prior to the hearing date).  A quorum of the Town Board may be present at the meeting, but will not hold deliberations or make any decisions.
Ben Oleson, Zoning Administrator, Corinna Township

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