Public Notice December 23, 2015

Dec. 15, 2015 Minutes
The regular meeting of the Maple Lake Township Board was called to order by Chairman Gerry Giebenhain at 7 p.m. Supervisors Ronald Wolff and Tom Neumann, Treasurer Judy Neumann, and Clerk Dick Hogan were present.
The minutes of the Nov. 17 meeting were read by Chairman Giebenhain. As no additions or corrections were noted, a motion was offered by Neumann, seconded by Wolff, to accept as read. Carried 3-0.
Greg Thomes and Mike Raiche, officials of the Maple Lake Property Owners Ass’n., were present and asked the board’s approval for a temporary liquor license for upcoming fishing contest on Feb. 6, 2016. As prior year’s issuance had good reports, a motion was offered by Giebenhain, with second by Neumann, to approve the request. Carried 3-0.
Maintenance Supervisor Jerry Gapinski asked if the board would consider purchasing a plow for the loader, which would be used for plowing cul-de-sacs, cost in the $4,000 range. The board suggested getting a quote on a plow for the utility truck.
As job descriptions have not been an issue of the past, the board asked that maintenance personnel make a list of duties performed by their position. This would be a benefit in advertising for a future replacement of that position. No board action was offered.
All warrants were approved and paid as presented.
As no additional business was brought before the board, Chairman Giebenhain adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Dick Hogan, Clerk
Maple Lake Township

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