Regular School
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 11,
2023 BOARDROOM 200
Highway 55 E Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358
1. Meeting called to order 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
BOARDROOM 200 Highway 55 E Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358
3. “District #881 is Proud of”
I have had to opportunity to work in many different school districts. This year we welcome some new faces to our family. The future looks bright for Maple Lake Public Schools.
Staff: We have the most caring, amazing staff thank you for everything you do for our students every day and making Maple Lake a great place to be. Each year when we run open house it gets better and better. We would not be able to run such a positive school event without all of our amazing staff members. Thank you for everything you do.
I would like to thank Brad, Steve, Steve, Steven, Todd, Joe, and Michael our building and grounds crew, for all of their hard work this summer. With no major projects our building received a lot of TLC in areas of need. Thank you for all of your hard work.
District Office Staff: Kristi, Christine, and Amelia – With our new District Office restructure our crew has not missed a beat. I am so lucky that I get to work with 3 of the best every single day.
Technology Department: Randy and Melissa – Thank you for working so hard to distribute 698 Chromebooks during the first week of school. Your organization and ideas made the open house run smoothly.
High School/Elementary Office Staff: Stacey, Heather, Kelly, and Chris – I have had the privilege to work with many different office staff. These four are the best! This group is the gatekeepers. They are the first people our families talk to and see. I do not think any district could ask for a better welcoming committee.
Food Service Staff: Thank you to Ryan, Ashley, Pam, Lynn, Linda, Sandra, Marylou, Michelle, and Sue for putting together amazing welcome back staff meals. This group makes preparing meals look so easy.
Tana and Dan: Tana for taking the community education program and taking it to new levels all of the time. Dan for his leadership and for making the activities program grow in the right direction.
Dave and Andy: These two are true professionals and help guide the district’s vision and mission. Thank you for your leadership.
Advisors and Coaches: Thank you for spending extra time each day with our students, it means a lot to them and the district.
4. Recognition of visitors
Mike Rowe, Kristi Anderson, Dave Hansen, Jodie Zesbaugh, Tanya Malwitz, Dan Krause, Mikayla Warrick and Chris Stryzewski.
5. Motion to approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, September 11, 2023. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0
6. Motion to approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, September 11, 2023 (Exhibit 1 – Consent Agenda; August 14, 2023 Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks). This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0
7. Open Forum
A request was made for teachers to refrain from discussing personal life issues and to just teach the classroom materials.
8. Unfinished Business
8.A. Enrollment Updates 2023-2024 Maple Lake Public School September 6, 2023 Enrollment. We will continue to track enrollment trends and give the new budget number at the October school board meeting (Exhibit 2) Rowe reviewed the start of the school year student numbers.
8.B. Approval of the 2023 (Payable 2024) tax levy (Exhibit 3)
Motion to approve the 2023 (payable 2024) tax levy for the maximum levy. This motion, made by Chris Paumen and seconded by Colleen Carlson, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0 Rowe reviewed the 23 pay 2024 tax levy. The maximum will be certified now with the final levy certification to be in December. The majority of the increase to the levy is in the debt service program.
8.C.Board Goals – 2023-2024 (Exhibit 4)
Motion to approve the 2023-2024 Maple Lake School Board Goals. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Natalie Anderson:
Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0 Rowe reviewed the updated board goals set for the 2023-24 school year.
9. New Business
9.A. Activities Fall Update
Activities Director Dan Krause will provide a start-of-the-school-year update on Maple Lake Activities.
Krause reviewed the student participation in the fall sports, the change to Hudl Tv for live streaming and you will be voting on two new homeschool coops.
9.B. Home School Co-ops
Motion to approve Home School Co-ops for the 2023-2024 activities season. Adding Fuller Academy for one year and Aasen School for 3 years. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Colleen Carlson, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0
9.C. Q-Comp Update 2023-2024 2-hour late start schedule and Q-Comp focus areas for the 2023-2024 school year (Exhibit 5)
Rowe reviewed the late start schedule for the school year with a focus on the PLC’s.
9.D. Resolution Awarding the Sale of General Obligation Facilities Maintenance Bonds, Series 2023A. (Exhibit 6)
Motion to approve Resolution Awarding the Sale of General Obligation Facilities Maintenance Bonds, Series 2023A. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0
Jodie Zesbaugh reviewed the bond sale for the facility maintenance bonds. The true interest cost came in at 3.795%. $13,228,892 will be deposited into the construction fund on October 5. The final debt service payment will be made on 2/1/2039.
9.E. September State of the School
Superintendent Rowe will give a brief update on what is going on at Maple Lake Public Schools (Exhibit 7)
Rowe reviewed the open positions for the year. ABC will host a parents’ meeting to get parents involved. Preschool transportation for 4-year-olds. Tennis Courts/Playground refresh.
9.F. Wright County SRO Contract (Exhibit 8)
Motion to approve the Wright County School Resource Contract for the 2023- 2024 school year. This motion, made by Chris Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0
10. Representative Reports
10.A. District Leadership Team – Rowe reported during the DLT meeting, the late start schedule was set.
10.B. ECFE/Community Education – Lind reported on the planning for new community ed programming, setting up a new online format for registration. Flyers will continue to go out in the Wednesday envelopes. Proposing a sliding fee scale for community ed classes and adding some more adult classes. Reviewed some course offerings at the fitness center and busing for 4 year olds.
10.C. Food Service Committee- None.
10.D. Meeker and Wright Special Ed Co-Op – Carlson reported. Mawce has the school nurse of the year. Licensed staff settled their contract.
10.E. Minnesota State High School League – None.
10.F. Safe Schools Committee – None.
10.G. Technology Committee – None.
10.H. Wright Technical Center -Carlson reported WTC has started an Operating Engineering Pathway course and Ziegler Cat has loaned some equipment for the students to try heavy equipment operation.
10.I. Elementary School – Fundraising kickoff coming up.
10.J. High School – Hansen reported the first day of school went well, lots of positive energy in the building. Fastbridge testing will replace NWEA. Teachers are receiving training and students will begin testing next week. Picture day is Thursday and Homecoming is the week of Septemeber 17-23.
11. Committee Reports
11.A. Activities Committee – None.
11.B. Building and Grounds Committee – None.
11.C. Confidential Staff Committee – None.
11.D. Finance and Programs Committee -None.
11.E. Licensed Staff Committee – None.
11.F. Support Staff Committee – None.
12. Set Meeting Dates None.
13. Other Business
13.A. Mail
13.B. Upcoming Meetings
13.B.1. Licensed Staff Negotiations Wednesday, September 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room
13.B.2. District Leadership Team Meeting at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, in the Board Room
13.B.3. Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 9, 2023, in the Board Room
13.C. Miscellaneous Information
13.C.1. Booster Club Parent Introduction Meeting 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 13, 2023
14. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn at 7:54 p.m. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed. Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 7, Nay: 0
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Paumen
Kristi Anderson