Contributed report
The doors of the Fairhaven Christian Church closed in September 2021, due to a lack of active members. An official voter’s meeting was held in September 2023, which concluded in a unanimous vote to close the Fairhaven Christian Church.
Long history
The church has a long history in the small village of Fairhaven. Many of the current parishioners are ancestors of the same congregation that started the First Baptist Church in 1859. This was the first church established in Fairhaven. Due to a fire in 1908, the First Baptist Church purchased the Seven Day Advent Church which had been built in 1889. In 1977, the name of the church was changed to Fairhaven Christian Church to reflect its non-denominational status. In 2004, a new building was built, replacing the building that stood for 113 years. The original cast iron bell from 1889 was refurbished and placed in the steeple of the new building.
Another door is opened
In September 2021, approximately 10 families began worshipping together. At first, they gathered for Sunday worship in garages and front yards. With winter fast approaching, they found a temporary home at the Silver Creek Township Hall. With their primary focus on teaching from the Bible, they landed upon their church name, Lake Country Bible Church (LCBC). This newly formed, bible-based, non-denomination church had been worshipping together every Sunday for two years and were quickly outgrowing their temporary home. The congregation prayed to God to provide a permanent space and with faith they patiently waited for His plan to be unveiled. The Fairhaven Christian Church committee members felt strongly that the new caretaker of the church should be a strong asset to the community and the surrounding area. Believing that Lake Country Bible Church was positioned to do that, the committee members in charge of dissolving the property and the entity of Fairhaven Christian Church approached members of the LCBC congregation. “At last, His perfect plan was revealed. How amazing God’s power and guidance is,” organizers said.