Teachers are leaders in education

By Brenda Erdahl

Resource Training & Solutions honored 146 Central Minnesota educators at the 2023 Leadership in Educational Excellence Award (LEEA) Banquet on October 25 including four from Maple Lake.

Marty Kiebel, Samantha Nissen, Chad Elston and Melissa Pearson were selected as this year’s LEEA recipients for their knowledge of their subject matter, their leadership in curriculum development, and how they make a difference in the lives of students, staff, and the community.

Each spring staff at both the high school and elementary school nominate the co-workers they feel meet all the criteria. After nominations are collected, the leadership committee selects the best candidate.

Samantha Nissen

Nissen has taught special education at Maple Lake Elementary School for five of the eight years she’s been in education. She started teaching because she loves learning and wanted to share that love with the students and make learning accessible for all. The part she loves most about her profession is the connections she makes with her students. She said it is an honor to be chosen as a nominee for the award when there are so many great teachers at Maple Lake schools.

Marty Kiebel

Kiebel has taught at Maple Lake Elementary School for all 28 years of his career. He started as a second-grade teacher then moved to fifth grade 24 years ago. Depending on the year, he teaches various subjects, but mostly he teaches fifth grade math, he said. He pursued a teaching career because of a positive experience he had in high school.

“I was the percussion leader in the marching band and was given the opportunity to work with the junior high percussionists and teach them. I felt a great reward doing this,” he said.

He remained in Maple Lake all these years in part because he enjoys the small school atmosphere. It has allowed him to get to know many families and it’s been enjoyable watching his students “come up the hallway to fifth grade and then watch them as they head up the ramp to our high school and see how their high school years develop.”

“I also have had the opportunity to work with some incredible people, admin, teachers, paraprofessionals, coaches, custodians, etc.  It makes coming to my job enjoyable each day,” he said.

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