By Harold Brutlag
I noticed a lady coming out of H & H Sport Shop last week Thursday with a bag of minnows in one hand. I didn’t think we had enough safe ice for fishing around here, but found out differently Monday morning at Cenex by the coffee drinkers there. There had been action on East Maple Lake, a perennial early spot; also on the rearing pond off County Road 37; Dan Lake for crappies, also on County 37; Lake John which had one angler not too far out from shore; and Buffalo Lake. Another topic was about anglers and hunters who had fallen through the ice. One fellow commented he got out of the swamp he was in up to his armpits. He didn’t feel bottom, but managed to get out of the water and back to his pickup to dry out. He said he took off all his clothes and wrung them out before he went any further. He said he had stuck his shotgun upright in the mud which he was able to retrieve. He said there were lots of ducks flying. Steve Loch had his usual donut, but he caught some ribbing about teeth marks on the delicacy. The marks were from the donuts being stuck together, but he took the comments good natured and turned the donut over to hide the marks.
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I think the city’s decorated spruce tree in the community park brings out the Christmas season with the brilliant lights. I don’t know who decorated it, but they did a great job! Other holiday lights are showing up on Maple Lake’s streets which add to the festive season. I spotted a very tall spruce tree south of Rasset which was outfitted with lights and looked to be the king of the neighborhood . . . I wasn’t there, but I heard the kids really enjoyed the large bonfire and the smores they roasted as well as Santa Claus’s visit. They toughed it out in the 20-25 degree morning. Parents and others enjoyed the music, refreshments, bonfire and snacks in the afternoon, so I’d say it was successful. The antique snowmobile display needed more machines, but remember this is the first year.