Public Notice

Regular School

Board Meeting

Monday, November 13,


200 Highway 55 E

Maple Lake,

Minnesota 55358    

   Natalie Anderson:   


Colleen Carlson:   


Kaitlyn Helmbrecht:   


Liz Lind:   


Chris Paumen:   


Joe Paumen:   


Branson Thomas:   


Present: 6, Absent: 1.

1. Call meeting to order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. “District #881 is Proud of”

Congratulations to Senior Nick Lind, who qualified for the State Cross Country meet in back-to-back seasons!

Congratulations to our Maple Lake Resource Training & SolutionsLEEA – Leadership in Educational Excellence Award winners (L to R: Marty Kiebel, Samantha Nissens, Melissa Pearson, and Chad Elston)

Thank you to Rachel Erger for all of her hard work organizing the Apex Fundraiser for Maple Lake Elementary. The Apex Fundraiser raised $19,000 to assist with purchasing new playground equipment.

Thank you Sarah Thomas who organized the Scholastic Book Fair this fall. The Scholastic Book Fair crushed its $5,000 goal by selling $10,000 of materials. This money will be used to purchase books for our school libraries.

Thank you to the Maple Lake VFW, Randy Mavencamp, Al Muller, and Paul Francois for organizing the Maple Lake Elementary and High School Veterans Day Program.

Awesome job by Ms. Warrick and the High School Drama class for their The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon performances this weekend.

Congratulations to the Maple Lake Trap Team on winning the Fall Conference title.

Top Trap Individuals:

(L to R:) Dalton Kerkow 2nd Place, Kalli Hennen 2nd Place, and Joe Neutz 3rd Place

4. (INFORMATIONAL) Recognition of visitors

Mike Rowe, Amelia Gapinski, Dan Krause, Brenda Erdahl, Dave Hansen, Kris Harlan, Mikayla Warrick and Tanya Malwitz

5. (ACTION) Approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, November 13, 2023. no changes. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Colleen Carlson, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0

6. (ACTION) Approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, November 13, 2023 (See Exhibit 1 – Consent Agenda; October 9, 2023 Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks) ROLL CALL VOTE

Motion to approve the consent agenda. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Colleen Carlson, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0


At all regular, special, committee, and public hearings, a speaker will have up to 3 minutes. An extension may be granted by the approval of the board or committee.

Registrations will continue until the meeting is called to order. Appearances after this point will be at the discretion of the chairperson. Register 15 minutes before regular, special, and committee meetings or 30 minutes before a public hearing.


No comments

8. (7:10) Unfinished Business

8.A. Superintendent Evaluation

Superintendent Rowe’s evaluation came back with high scores.

8.B. 2023-2024 Enrollment

Rowe reported students counts are up from the original budget set in May.

8.C. Certified Seniority List

8.D. Activities Update

Dan presented a proposal to install a video display score board in the high school gym. We will be moving the current score board down to the elementary gym.  He is going to go out to the community to have them invest with a total of 8 partners that would pay different tiers. Anchor Partner is 5000.00/year for 5 years and Premier Partners is 2000.00/year for 5 years. They will get promotional game day sponsorship displayed on the board and the opportunity to promote and display specialty items during the games. The perks of the score board are that it can also be used for the school curriculum, which is included with purchase of the board. The design and multi-media can get hands-on experience and have the opportunity to produce, create and develop graphics and advertisements for the entire audience to see. The installation will be done over the summer of 2024.  This is a 5-year lease for the board and the goal is to get enough sponsors to pay for the payment.

8.E. MSHSL Form B Resolution

Motion to approve resolution of the Governing Board Supporting Form B Application to Minnesota State High School League Foundation. This motion, made by Chris Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0

8.F. Girl’s Wrestling Co-op

Motion to approve Girl’s Wrestling Co-op between Maple Lake and Annadale for the 2023-2024 wrestling season. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Chris Paumen, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0

8.G. Winter Coaching Assignments

Motion to approve the 2023-2024 Winter Coaching Assignments. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0

8.H. Food Service Update

9. (7:20) New Business

9.A. MLFT Master Agreement 2023-2025

Motion to approve a new master agreement with the Maple Lake Federation of Teachers for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0

9.B. World’s Best Work Force Report

Motion to approve the World’s Best Work Force Report data for the 2022-2023 school year. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 7, Nay: 0

Superintendent Rowe shared the World’s Best Workforce report. The official report will be sent to the state in December.

9.C. October State of the School

Superintendent Rowe shared updates on hirings and community events.

10. (7:45) Representative Reports

10.A. District Leadership Team – Colleen Carlson

Joe Sanfelippo came and spoke with staff during the September Late Start.

10.B. ECFE/Community Education – Liz Lind

• Fall and Winter catalogs are out

• Preschool bussing was approved

• Updating web links to enroll in Community Ed activities.

10.C. Food Service Committee- Branson Thomas

• Nothing to present

10.D. Meeker and Wright Special Ed Co-Op – Colleen Carlson

• Ten open Jobs at this time.

• Co-op needs help with volunteers

10.E. Minnesota State High School League – Kaitlyn Helmbrecht

• Nothing to present

10.F. Safe Schools Committee – Colleen Carlson

• Nothing to present

10.G. Technology Committee – Chris Paumen

• Nothing to present

10.H. Wright Technical Center – Colleen Carlson

• They are looking to add more vendors and colleges to the program.

10.I. Elementary School – Andy Sawatzke

1. National Hot Lunch Day: served 262 visitors. We had a fundraiser that day for Andy and raised 1450.00 plus donations of 550.00 which equals 2000.00

2. Conferences: 97% attendance, 383/393 students

3. Book Fair: We made $10,753.92 in sales. This was our highest sales year yet. We also helped 38 students purchase books who couldn’t afford to. They each received a $10 gift card to buy only books.

4. APEX: $19,137

5. -Enrichment classes: started 7 week session in November

-Serves grades 2-6: student selection based on performance in the classroom, FastBridge testing results, and MCA data (grades 4-6)

-Diane Hertwig-Enrichment Math Sarah Sailer-Enrichment Reading

6. Coming up:

Dec. 7, 6:30 Grades K-3 Concert

Dec. 11, 5:00-6:30   2nd Annual Merry Math Night

Dec. 14, 6:00 5-8 Band Concert

10.J. High School – Dave Hansen

1. End of 1st Quarter

• Last Thursday November 9th

• Grades will be sent out this Friday

2. Veteran’s Day Program

• Last week Thursday

• Speaker Paul Francois- Medic from Vietnam War.

3. American Education Week

• This week November 13-17

• Honor Society Induction tomorrow- November 14th

4. Late Start

• Handle with Care Training for regular ed staff

• Insurance Presentations

       5. LEEA Support Staff Banquet

• Bekka Nelson

• Joe Brown

6.  Irish Pride

• 7th and 8th grade celebrations- November 16th and 17th

• 9-12 Irish pride lunch- students nominations by teacher-November 17th

7.  7th and 8th grade choir concert is on November 27th

11. (7:55) Committee Reports

11.A. Activities Committee – C. Paumen, J. Paumen, Helmbrecht

11.B. Building and Grounds Committee – C. Paumen, Helmbrecht, Thomas

11.C. Confidential Staff Committee – Carlson, Anderson, Thomas

11.D. Finance and Programs Committee – Helmbrecht, Carlson, Anderson

11.E. Licensed Staff Committee – Helmbrecht, C. Paumen, J. Paumen

11.F. Support Staff Committee – Anderson, Lind, J. Paumen

12. (8:20) Set Meeting Dates

12.A. Support Staff Negotiations – Set a date

13. (8:25) Other Business

13.A. Mail

13.B. Upcoming Meetings

13.B.1. District Leadership Team Meeting Tuesday, November 21 at 7:15 a.m.

13.B.2. Regular School Board Meeting Monday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m.

13.B.3. Truth and Taxation Monday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room

13.B.4. Support Staff Awards at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 15 at the Rivers Edge Convention Center

13.C. Miscellaneous Information

14. (8:40) Adjourn

Motion to approve meeting adjournment. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed.

Joe Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1