You never know what you’re going to find. At the car service counter the agent told me an hour and fifteen minutes. I ventured to the far section of the waiting area away from TVs, coffee machines, cold drink dispensers and chatter. I found a comfortable chair.
Fifteen minutes into my book I noticed a tall woman, 5’10” to 6’, pushing a double decker baby stroller. The luxury liner was black, sturdy, well upholstered with a lower deck in front, the upper deck above and behind. Both decks were topped with a three-quarter zipped faux leather cover. The woman wore gray pricey leggings that featured her long legs and a red loose top; she wore expensive black ankle boots.
After scanning the lounge perimeter twice around, she carefully parked her tram next to a chair on my right about 10 feet away. Sitting down, she checked her magic phone. All the time she had maintained the same somber expression she wore during her recon. I resumed my reading. After some minutes I noticed she checked both compartments in the carriage. From the lower forward section, after unzipping it from the three-quarter cover, she extracted a child, a baby who looked to be about 4-6 months old. He was clad in booties, boutique jeans and a cotton top. He wore a smile that featured big brown eyes.
Mom sat down and bounced him on her knees, stood him up-holding his arms above his head and bounced him on the side of the chair. She repeatedly kissed the child and chucked him under the chin. Both mother and child’s faces reflected a seventh heaven love affair. Above the pages of my book, I noticed she had tucked the little guy under her red top. He was entirely covered except for his feet sticking out below the red. She was modestly providing lunch for him. My reading was again interrupted as her movements commanded attention. She now had the uncovered youngster sitting on her knee, bouncing him up and down and patting him on the back; he was due a good burping.
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