It goes like this’ “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all”. Did you notice the “one nation under God “? Ever since Obama declared that he was going to bring a” fundamental change to America”, we have been in a continuous state of chaos.
Career Generals were dismissed because their opinions didn’t match his. The so-called murder of George Floyd, which helped trigger the mostly “peaceful” protests, which resulted in millions of dollars in damage including a police precinct burned to the ground and unknown loss of merchandise. Few were arrested and none were charged. Then Jan.6th came along.
Over 1200 people have been arrested. The most common charge is trespassing. (Didn’t know we could trespass on property that is ours.) There was the debacle in Afghanistan, which Biden blamed on Trump. If it was so bad why not change it like he did with the border wall or the Keystone pipeline? Enough for now. What I meant to talk about was sports. Sports brings Democrats, Republicans and Independents together to cheer on our favorite teams. I thought we got past the Colin Kaepernick era but here we are. I guess the big money boys don’t care what we think as long as we keep paying their bills.
I don’t know who put the squeeze on, but this year we will have 2 national anthems at the Super Bowl, the time honored one and one called the Black National Anthem. That should really bring us together.
I for one will not be watching.
Randy Mavencamp
Maple Lake