By Brenda Erdahl
The City of Maple Lake has hired an Interim City Administrator to replace Renee Eckerly who recently resigned the position.
On Tuesday, Feb. 20, at a regular city council meeting, councilors unanimously approved a contract with Shirley Slater-Schulte who comes with 50 years of experience working with city governments. A professional consultant, she will work as an independent contractor for the city for the next six months, the estimated time needed to find a permanent City Administrator.
Slater-Schulte officially started on Monday, Feb. 26 and will work two to three days a week at $80 an hour mentoring staff and helping the city through this transition period. In the meantime, David Drown and Associates will continue their search for a permanent replacement for Eckerly whose last day was February 16.
Slater-Schulte started her career with the City of Dayton where she worked as city clerk/treasurer, in finance and then city administration for 29 ½ years. She then worked for the City of Albert Lea for 11 years after which she retired. Two years later she registered with the League of Minnesota Cities and has been busy filling interim positions across the state ever since. She has held interim positions in 11 or 12 cities, she said including Kimball and Richmond. She was most recently Interim City Administrator at Oronoco.
The city of Maple Lake has hired interim city administrator Shirley Slater-Schulte.