Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Pawlenty inducted into Half Century Club, papers win honors

By Brenda Erdahl

Ed Pawlenty who along with his wife Michele publish the Annandale Advocate and Maple Lake Messenger, was honored Thursday, Feb. 1, with the Half Century Club Award at the 157th Minnesota Newspaper Convention held at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in Brooklyn Park.

The award recognizes 50 years of working in the newspaper industry. Pawlenty was one of five honorees.

Additionally, the Advocate won first place in its circulation category for Use of Photography as a Whole.

The Messenger won first and third place for Best Special Section. Designer Don Dittberner took home the first place award in the Messenger’s circulation class for Best Use of Color in Advertising.

Ed Pawlenty, right, accepts his Half Century Club honor from Minnesota Newspaper Association President Chad Koenen at the Minnesota Newspaper Association convention Thursday, Feb. 1.