By Brenda Erdahl
Sue Hughes is the winner of this year’s button contest for the 2024 Maple Lake St. Patrick’s Day, 47th annual parade on Saturday, March 16. Her artwork featuring a sleek green hot rod with a leprechaun at the wheel will be displayed on jacket lapels and purses in the weeks leading up to the 47th annual parade.
Donna Bares took second and third place in the button contest with multiple submissions.
The button designs were judged by businesses and the festival committee, and the winner will receive $25 in business bucks. “We had great art submitted from a lot of artists,” Chamber President Nick Pawlenty said. Look for buttons on sale at local participating businesses and during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 16. Money raised from button sales go toward financing paid parade entries. Anyone who buys a button to support the parade is automatically registered to win a $100 prize in business bucks.