The Maple Lake High School one-act play team recently ended its season with a fifth-place subsection finish. The Irish performed Anxiety is Orange by Linsay Price. The one-act season began in December and ended in January at subsections. In mid-January, the group put on a performance for family and friends. “The students worked very hard during rehearsals and we had a lot of obstacles to face as well. The students are the ones who made this play fantastic because they are the ones who put in the time and work. I am proud of all they have overcome and how well they did during performances,” Director Mikayla Warrick said. This year’s cast included: Erika Hannon, Nathan Halloran, Tristin Stoeber, Logan Walz, Larissa Tamm, Makkal Tessman, Isaiah Larson, Ralph Khron, Levi Deyo, Blake Stoeber, and Tayah Hinz. The stage crew included: Gaudenz Goerldt, Scarlett Nelson, Mackenzie Preisinger, Olivia Mueller, and Aurora Zuelke.