Goodbye spring, hello winter

The Ice-free lakes and above average temperatures in late February and early March had some daring to hope winter was over. It was a rude awakening last weekend when the biggest snowstorm of the season dumped nine plus inches of snow on the area. The wintery weather that lasted three days pummeled the area with snow, rain, sleet and wind. Pictured above, these snow-covered docks on Maple Lake remind us how earlier in the month boats were enjoying the spring-like weather on the open water. At bottom right, The snowstorm wasn’t bad news to everybody. These snowmobilers finally had the chance to take their machines out for a ride along County Road 37 in Maple Lake Township Monday, March 25, during a lull in the precipitation. Buffalo reported 9 inches of snow by 11 a.m. Monday morning. Snow continued to accumulate through Tuesday morning, March 26th. Final snow totals were not available at press time.