Legal Notice
Cedar Lake Property Owners:
The Cedar Lake Conservation Club (CLCC) plans to treat curly leaf pondweed and eurasian water milfoil, both aquatic invasive species/nuisance species, in Cedar Lake in 2024. Additionally, if starry stonewort, an aquatic invasive species, is discovered, treatment will be conducted.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is planning to provide to the CLCC a waiver of the requirements that the Association obtain signatures of approval by owners of lakeshore property. Instead, the CLCC will notify property owners of the treatment through the:
• CLCC newsletter which is mailed to all residents of Cedar Lake.
• CLCC website www.cedarlakecc.org.
• Annandale Advocate and Maple Lake Messenger (local weekly newspapers).
Regarding the 2024 treatment:
• The proposed timeline for treatment is May – October.
• The target species for the treatment is curly leaf pondweed (CLP), eurasian water milfoil (EWM), and starry stonewort (SSW) if discovered.
• The products being used are aquatic herbicides and/or harvesting methods appropriate to control CLP and EWM, and SSW if discovered. Chemicals that are anticipated to be used are: CLP-diquat, EWM-ProcellaCOR, SSW (if discovered)-copper sulfate.
• If the landowner does NOT want treatment to occur adjacent to the landowner’s property:
By April 15, 2024, fill out the form below and notify CLCC at the following address, phone number or email address:
Cedar Lake Conservation Club
7289 Ingram Ave NW
Maple Lake, MN 55358
Phone: 651-343-9674
Cedar Lake Conservation Club Board of Directors
I request that no herbicide treatment occur adjacent to our shoreline property in 2024.
All requested information must be entered for verification purposes.
Year: 2024
Property Identification Number(s):
Property Owners Name(s):
Lake Property Address:
Phone Number(s) Preferred: Alternate:
Mailing Address (If different from the Cedar Lake Property Address):