Public notice

Independent School

District No. 881

Maple Lake, Minnesota




Notice is hereby given, that Independent School District No. 881 will receive written quotations for transportation of its school children, including special education and handicapped students, according to the specification and conditions which may be obtained from the office of the Superintendent of Schools, Independent School District No. 881, 200 State Highway 55 East, Maple Lake, Minnesota, 55358. Quotations shall be submitted in form and manner contained in the specifications and the conditions.

Quotations must be received in the office of the Superintendent no later than April 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. at which time the quotations will be opened and tabulated and distributed to interested parties. No change can be made in the written quotation without consent of the school district. Negotiations will be conducted at such time and place as designated by the school district utilizing such procedures, as the school district deems appropriate. All quotations must be submitted in a sealed envelope at the place and by the time indicated above.

The school district reserves the right to accept, reject or negotiate any quotation and make an award for transportation services, which is deemed most favorable and advantageous to the school district. Any person whose quotation is accepted may be required to furnish a performance bond in the full amount of its quotation, which bond shall comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 574.26. If further information is desired, interested persons should contact the district office in person or via phone (320) 963-3114.

Dated: March 11, 2024

Independent School District 881

Maple Lake, MN 55358

Branson Thomas, Clerk
