The Chatham Climbers 4-H club decided to treat themselves to a day at Tom and Gary’s Bowling Alley in Annandale. The role call question was: what 4-H project have you worked on, and what have you done? During the meeting they discussed the Day Camps that members are going to participate in over the summer. Dylan Hennen and Alison Schan talked about the Wright County Federation meeting that they attended. They reported that the Wright County Federation decided that “if a member attends a certain amount of federation meetings, they will get put in a drawing for a fast pass to the front of the line for judging your projects at the Wright County Fair.” Alison Schan talked about March bingo. George and Henry Elsenpeter talked about State Dairy Bowl competition. They later on said that they were qualified for the National Dairy Bowl competition in Louisville, Kentucky. June Elsenpeter demonstrated how to make pottery. John Elsenpeter demonstrated how to clean and sort freshly picked eggs.