Monday’s rain woke me up about 2:30 a.m. when the thunder rumbled and later lightning modestly. I’m guessing it rained a good 1\4 inch with more promised later that day and continuing into Tuesday. There were a lot of farmers tilling and planting corn last week and the rains should make the seed’s pop.
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Memorial Day is Monday, May 27th and there will be a program in the city park which will include a parade, patriotic band music, a message commemorating that day from a guest speaker, and the traditional salute by the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars color guards which will be followed by taps.
Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday in May and honors the men and women who died while serving in the military. Veterans Day in November honors all veterans living and dead.
This is an opportunity for showing your patriotism for everything the veterans did to maintain the freedom we enjoy. Former president Ronald Reagan included this line in his Memorial Day speech at the Arlington National Cemetery in 1986: “ Today is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It’s a day of thanks.”
Reagan was credited as being one of the best orators among the presidents.
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It must have been too windy Sunday for most anglers to fish local lakes, but there were several using the fishing pier on Maple Lake. The word is the sunfish are spawning in shallow water. Consider the DNR’s request that the male Sunfish, guarding the nest, will hit on most any bait and should be returned to help maintain a population of larger sunfish. In other words those nine inches and larger should be returned for mating.