By Wright County Elections
The filing period for five Wright County elected positions will open Tuesday, May 21 and remain open until Tuesday, June 4.
The positions up for election are District 2 county commissioner, District 5 county commissioner, and three supervisor positions on the Wright County Soil & Water Conservation District Board (Districts 2, 4 and 5). All of these positions are for four-year terms.
Those interested in filing can do so during the filing window from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Taxpayer Services front window at the Wright County Government Center (3650 Braddock Ave. NE, Suite 1400, Buffalo). Note: Offices will be closed Monday, May 27 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.
If more than two candidates file for a position, they will contest one another in the primary election August 13 with the top two vote-getters moving on to the Nov. 5 general elections. If two or fewer candidates files, they automatically move on to the Nov. 5 general election.