I’m not sure how the “Ladies” ( I know it is a stretch) ever got a so-called news show. They are just foul mouthed, name calling political mouth pieces for the Democrat party. What the heck the night time comedians make millions why shouldn’t they? The amazing thing is their only talent is the ability to yell at guests , if he is a conservative.They have argued for years about shutting down Gitmo prison,. which still has 30 prisoners, But now they think Trump should be placed there because he defied a court issued gag order. Meanwhile several administration officials fail to comply to subpoenas. The party that continues to chant ,” NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. ” won’t even bring Mayorkas up on impeachment. I guess he has done such a great job on the border. Or maybe it’s that He has done just what the left wants.
P.S. I hate it when I can’t figure out how to operate my iPad and my Tech guy is asleep. He is 5 and it’s past his bedtime.
Randy Mavencamp
Maple Lake