Rassat retires from MLFD Retiring fire fighter speaks on urgent need for volunteers

By Brenda Erdahl

Ron Rassat was the oldest fire fighter on the Maple Lake Fire Department up until a couple weeks ago when he retired.

The 70-year-old joined in 1985 which also makes his career the second longest – “for now,” he said.

For 39 years, Rassat has been doing a job he says anybody who cares about their community would have done in his place. But that’s not entirely true. Lately the fire department has been struggling to find volunteers and Rasset for one can’t understand why.

“It’s exciting,” he said. “Especially once you know what you are doing.”

Rassat was in his early 30s when he joined the department. Back then fire fighters were recruited by existing members, and getting asked was a great honor. Often there was a family connection. In Rassat’s case, his dad Clarance was on the department before him and so was his brother Joe. Joe retired four years ago. The family tradition remains with Rassat’s son Mark who still serves.

Ron Rassat retired from the Maple Lake Fire Department this spring after 39 years of service.