The Board of Supervisors for the Town of Corinna, Wright County, Minnesota, hereby ordains that on the 21st day of May, 2024 the Corinna Township Board of Supervisors adopted text amendments to the Township’s LAND USE ORDINANCE. The amendments modify Sections 302 (Definitions), 611 (Flood Plain Overlay District) and Section 5 (Administration). The amendments are for the intent of adopting newly updated FEMA Floodplain Maps, ensuring that floodplain regulations are consistent with the most current county regulations, to satisfy the state and federal standards detailed in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103F; Minnesota Rules, parts 6120.5000 – 6120.6200 and the rules and regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program in 44 CFR 59 to 78, adopting/modifying definitions related to the floodplain regulations, and modifying permit application fees and procedures. The amendments to the Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon publication as provided by law. The complete text of this amended Ordinance may be viewed on the Corinna Township website or at Corinna Town Hall (9801 Ireland Ave NW, Annandale, MN 55302).
/s/ Larry Smith, Chairperson
/s/ Mary Barkley Brown, Clerk
Regular School
Board Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2024 BOARDROOM
200 Highway 55 E
Maple Lake,
Minnesota 55358
Natalie Anderson:
Colleen Carlson:
Kaitlyn Helmbrecht:
Liz Lind:
Chris Paumen:
Joe Paumen:
Branson Thomas:
Present: 6, Absent: 1.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. “District #881 is Proud of”
May 1 was Principal Appreciation Day. Thank you to Dave and Kris for all of their hard work this school year.
May 6-10 was Teacher Appreciation Week. We celebrated our teachers with daily challenges for prizes and lots of food. Thank you, teachers, for making a difference in our students lives.
May 8 was School Nurse Appreciation Day. Thank you to Jackie, Amity, and Susan for taking care of our students and keeping them healthy.
Superintendent Rowe was awarded the MASA Region 6 Professionalism Award during the annual spring meeting.
Maple Lake Public Schools would like to thank Wright County Law Enforcement, Wright County Safe Communities, Maple Lake Fire and EMT, The City of Maple Lake, County Attorney Brian Lutes, and The Irish Mentors for all of the work to produce a powerful Mock Crash for our 9-12 grade students.
Maple Lake Public Schools would like to send a big thank you to Renee Wyffels for her years of service in the Math Corps program. Renee has completed her 3 terms of service at Maple Lake Elementary.
2024 Trifecta Club – Students who participate in 3 Activities
We had 71 members this year.
Grace Anderson
Logan Anglin
Lauren Anglin
Sam Austin
Steven Borgert
Matthew Bougie
Daniel Carriveau
Preston Caughey
Brolin Chlan
Akeley Christenson
Carter Courtright
Jaxon Diebold
Hayden Dircks
Sam Donnett
Elijah Dorse
Liz Driscoll
Carter Ertel
Lane Faue
Brayden Fobbe
Brooklyn Fobbe
Ashley Gaffaney
Abby Gindele
Ava Gindele
Luke Goelz
Max Goelz
Gaudenz Goerldt
Joanna Hall
Marshall Hall
Nathan Halloran
Henry Halloran
Clark Hawkinson
Oliver Hawkinson
Ethan Helmbrecht
Thomas Johnson
Dalton Kerkow
Addison Kramer
Alexandra Krauze
Ralph Krohn
Rowan Kunz
Emily Larson
Isaiah Larson
Avery Lee
Claire Lee
Nick Lind
Madeline Lind
Ryne Lodermeier
Brenden Luedtka
Kingsley Okoro
Maggie Oravetz
Alex Paumen
Charlie Peterson
Hunter Peterson
Parker Peterson
Lauren Peterson
Dan Reilley
Grace Ronnenberg
Ainsley Rowe
Avery Rowe
Jeremiah Schafer
Tristin Stoeber
Blake Stoeber
Zackory Stroud
Jeramiah Stroud
Victor Swanson
Larissa Tamm
Makkal Tessman
Vander Tulenchik
Violet Tulenchik
Kayleigh Turner
Khloe Uecker
Peyton Walberg
4. (INFORMATIONAL) Recognition of visitors
• Mike Rowe
• Lisa Rademacher
• Mikayla Warrick
• Amelia Gapinski
• Dave Hanson
• Kris Harlan
• Ryan Highberg
• Brenda Erdahl
5. (ACTION) Approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, May 13, 2024.
Approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, May 13, 2024. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
6. (ACTION) Approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, May 13, 2024 (See Exhibit 1 – Consent Agenda; April 8, 2024 Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks) ROLL CALL VOTE
Motion to approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, May 13, 2024. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
8. (7:10) Unfinished Business
8.A. 2023-2024 Enrollment Update
8.B. Fund 6 Technology Requests
Motion to approve the recommendation from the Technology Committee to fill technology requests using Fund 6 for the 2024-23 school year for a total of $30,159.99. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
8.C. Food Service Annual Review
8.D. 2024-2027 Transportation Contract
Motion to approve the three-year transportation contract with M and M. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
8.E. Workers Compensation Renewal
Motion to approve Worker Compensation Renewal at the cost of $51,070.00. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
9. (7:20) New Business
9.A. Athletic Field Preparation – Diamonds and Irish Stadium
Motion to approve Magic Turf bids for field improvements to Diamonds and Dreams and Irish Stadium. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
9.B. High School Gym Basketball Hoops
Motion to approve replacing side basketball hoops in the High School Gym. This project will be funded by a private donation. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
9.C. Dissolve Alpine Skiing Co-op
Motion to Dissolve the Alpine Skiing Co-op. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
9.D. Alpine Skiing Co-op New Member Acceptance
Motion to accept adding Holy Spirit Academy to the Alpine Skiing Co-op for the 2024-2025 School Year. This motion, made by Kaitlyn Helmbrecht and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
9.E. New High School Gym Scoreboard
Motion to approve ordering the new scoreboard for the high school gym with a lease payment $25,807 a year. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
9.F. State of the School
10. (7:45) Representative Reports
10.A. District Leadership Team – Natalie Anderson
Discussed late starts and how the reading act is going.
10.B. ECFE/Community Education – Liz Lind
Discussed putting ads in businesses through Social Indoor Ads for the after-school programs offered. They are also looking into a personal trainer for the gym. It would be a 10-week shred program. They are hoping it will increase traffic and memberships to the fitness center. They were discussing Diamonds and Dreams and whether softball and baseball should donate to the maintenance.
10.C. Food Service Committee- Branson Thomas
Committee did not meet.
10.D. Meeker and Wright Special Ed Co-Op – Colleen Carlson
They had a guest speaker for the blind and deaf with an emphasis on teaching them to read with Lego’s. They are working on restructuring leadership.
10.E. Minnesota State High School League – Liz Lind
Committee did not meet.
10.F. Safe Schools Committee – Colleen Carlson
Committee did not meet.
10.G. Technology Committee – Chris Paumen
Committee did not meet.
10.H. Wright Technical Center – Colleen Carlson
The scholarship winner was awarded to Dylan Hennen. They are requesting a bond for 5 million dollars to make upgrades to the buildings rooftop, parking lot and electrical.
10.I. Elementary School – Kris Harlan
1. Andy’s visit-April 26th….hat day raised $1312.75; anonymous donor rounded it to $2000 for Andy’s family
2. Field Trips: 6th grade-Wolf Ridge, K & 5th grade last week; 3rd grade this week; 1, 2, & 4 the last week
3. Kickball tomorrow……..Irish Pride celebration & staff vs 6th graders
4. Recorder concert for 4th grade tomorrow night
5. Track & Field Day on Friday
6. FastBridge testing……results will go home with report cards
7. K graduation-Monday, the 20th
6th grade-Friday, the 24th
8. Summer Academy team has been planning for classes for June. Waiting to see if we get enough kids enrolled to run the program.
10.J. High School – Dave Hansen
1. MCA Testing
a. Testing window is closed
b. All paper test material has been returned to Pearson
c. Post-test editing
2. Co-Curricular Awards – Wednesday, May 15
3. JH & SH Choir Concert – Monday, May 20
4. Irish Pride Celebrations
a. 7 th Grade – Twins Game – May 16
b. 8 th Grade – Valleyfair – May 22
5. 9 th Grade Science Fair – Tuessday, May 21
6. Senior Awards Night – May 28 at 7:30pm
7. Graduation – May 30 at 8:00pm
a. Board members shake hands once students get diplomas
b. Please be here by 7:15 to pass out programs
11. (7:55) Committee Reports
11.A. Activities Committee – Lind, Thomas, Helmbrecht
Committee did not meet.
11.B. Building and Grounds Committee – C. Paumen, Helmbrecht, Thomas
Committee did not meet.
11.C. Confidential Staff Committee – Carlson, Anderson, Thomas
Committee did not meet.
11.D. Finance and Programs Committee – Helmbrecht, Carlson, Anderson
Committee did not meet.
11.E. Licensed Staff Committee – Helmbrecht, Anderson, J. Paumen
Committee did not meet.
11.F. Support Staff Committee – Anderson, Lind, J. Paumen
Committee did not meet.
12. (8:20) Set Meeting Dates
13. (8:25) Other Business
13.A. Mail
13.B. Upcoming Meetings
13.B.1. District Leadership Team Meeting Tuesday, May 21 at 7:30 a.m. in the Board Room
13.B.2. Commencement at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2024, in the High School Gymnasium.
13.B.3. Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2024, in the Board Room.
13.C. Miscellaneous Information
14. (8:40) Adjourn
Adjourn meeting at 8:06pm. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed.
Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1