Absentee Voting begins

Contributed report

Friday, June 28 was the first day of the 46-day absentee voting period. Eligible Wright County voters will be able to begin casting their ballots for the 2024 State Primary Election (Aug. 13). Voters may request an absentee ballot by contacting Wright County Elections directly or by completing the online request form at mnvotes.org. Voters are also able to visit the Wright County Government Center where they can cast an in-person absentee ballot. Please visit the Finance & Taxpayer Services counter on the first floor of the Wright County Government Center to cast your in-person absentee ballot. The Government Center is open to serve voters from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

How to request a ballot

The easiest way to request an absentee ballot to vote by mail is to visit the Secretary of State’s online absentee ballot application page.

To find out more about Absentee Voting, pick up a Messenger.