eems that now that the debate is final we can push back the curtain and see the puppet strings. I think it is safe to assume that Biden has been a figure head. Saying whatever the “Deep state wants him to say”.
Now the MSM is upset with Biden because they were lied to. They Knew!!! and they covered for him. They also attacked Trump with lies about him and any person that had a connection with him ,especially if they were republican. Our problem is not so much Biden or Trump but rather the unelected bureaucrats. At last count there were 750 plus lawyers working for congress. They are not there to protect us. They are there to insure that their clients reap the benefits whether it is profits from solar panels, windmill generators, vaccines, even electric cars. Ever since this great country was established it has been a struggle between socialism and conservatism. Every new law is a move towards socialism, Removal of guns from the law abiding people will be the last. Wake up people it’s socialism or conservatism. Stand up!!
Randy Mavencamp
Maple Lake