Parks and Recreation grant Grant sought for Stanley Eddy improvements

By Brenda Erdahl

Wright County Commissioners gave their approval, Tuesday, July 23 at their regular meeting for Parks and Recreation to apply for a $310,000 grant to build a trail head and parking lot at Stanley Eddy Regional Park Reserve near Annandale.

In 2019 Parks and Rec reconstructed and improved the trails in Stanley Eddy’s South Unit and then in 2020 and 2021 the “Alma” Unit and easement trails were built. If awarded the grant, Parks and Rec would use the money to create a trailhead that would allow for more suitable access to those trails leading to the east and the west. The project would include two gravel parking areas, one for day use and the other for horse trailers. Other amenities would include potable water, security lighting, vault style toilet and wayfinding.

The grant is being offered through the Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails Legacy Grant Program with a County match of $35,000. The County’s portion would come from the 2024 Parks and Recreation Budget for site improvements.

This will be the second time Parks and Rec has applied for this grant. The first time was in 2023 and Parks and Rec was denied.

Parks and Rec Director Ross Demant said Stanley Eddy Park is very heavily used, but despite that the parking area is unimproved and there are no amenities.

In other news, commissioners:

• Approved recommendations from the Wright County Aggregate Tax Committee to fund four projects within Wright County that meet qualifications for grants through the Aggregate Tax Fund. These funds are collected through a tax on aggregate extraction and awarded to county jurisdictions to help pay for projects that facilitate the restoration of abandoned aggregate pits. If there are no aggregate pits, then the money can be used for other reclamation needs, conservation and other environmental projects, Lindsay Salo of the Wright County Finance Department said. Groups that apply for this money are generally county departments, cities, schools and lake improvement districts. No more than $40,000 will be awarded per project and the max that the county will fund annually is $80,000. The following projects will receive funding:

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