Letter to the editor

would like to speak to the terrible injustice that was perpetrated on Mr. John Haack of Maple Lake by the city council of Maple Lake.

Although I personally don’t approve of the way Mr.Haack manages his property, it is none of my business. It’s his property. He has his way of doing things. I’ll bet every one of the properties that surrounds Mr. Haack’s properties have gone up in value like all of the rest of ours have over the past twenty/thirty years.

The city council of Maple Lake is guilty of violating his fourth Amendment rights of the United States Constitution. “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, shall not be violated.”

If I was Mr. Haack I would sue each and everyone of the city council members personally, and I mean past and present council members that had anything to do with this act of dictatorship for violating his Fourth Amendment right’s and most of all for trespassing.

These council members are also in violation of Article 1 sec. 15 of the Minnesota Constitution. Lands Allodial.

Warning to the rest of the citizens of Maple Lake . When will they come after you? Who will the dictator decide to go after next.

The Constitution and your rights as a citizen mean nothing to these council members, for they have proven that with there injustice toward Mr. Haack.

Michael J Elsenpeter

Maple Lake