Observations from a Substitute Teacher
I am a substitute teacher. Subbing gives one an interesting perspective on what is going on in our schools. Here’s what the community needs to know:
Teaching is hard work!! Teachers LOVE children; they see potential in every single child and have each child’s best interest in mind – current, and for their future. They are professionals in identifying special concerns with your child. Listen to them. Take their advice. If your child needs special services, use them! Do not worry about your child being “labelled.”
Here are two real life examples of missed opportunities. One student was an excellent hockey player, had a full ride to college, and was drafted by an NHL team. He struggled academically in college and the coaches convinced the parents to have him tested for learning disabilities. What came to light is that he has ADHD. The parents knew he had ADHD in high school and chose not to medicate him, because he was able to “get by.” Fast forward to college years, where everything became more difficult. If your kid needs medication to be successful, then give it to them!
I have a very high functioning autistic adult son. His dad and I repeatedly asked the school district (not local) for help; he did not receive any services until the second semester of his junior year in high school. Though he is bright, has a college degree and a post-college certificate in a special field, the lack of social skills has gotten the best of him while employed. We never stopped advocating for our son, and it took the threat of a lawsuit to get the school system to do what was needed for his future.
Early intervention makes all the difference in the world for these special kids. For the sake of your child, listen to their teachers and get your child the help they need to be successful adults in our difficult world.
Christa Lane-Larsen