Now that the DNC convention is over we can relax knowing the Dems have everything under control. Not only that but they know how to fix the problems. Wait a second. Are you saying we should keep the people in charge who caused the problem to fix the problem? For almost 4 years they have told us that the Biden /Harris administration has been the greatest ever. I heard the immigration problem is still broken because no one ever told Kamala that as Immigration Czar it was her job to fix it. Rumor has it she will fix it within her first 100 days. You’re VP. Fix it now. Here is an Idea. For every illegal that comes in we deport two Democrats to a communist country, that should make them happy. After all, as a high school teacher in Nebraska Walz told his Social study students that they are all the same and should share equally. Unless you are a politician.
Wait, Trump gave away his 4 years of salary to charities. I quess Harris must’ve forgotten that. Harris and Walz make quite the team. Hopefully Ringling Brothers Circus was able to find suitable replacements.
Both love to spend taxpayer money. ($ trillions) By Harris ($ billions} by Walz with little accountability. And nothing can make them happier than taxpayer dollars paying for another abortion. The democrats came up with a new name for Republicans “weird” . But what is more weird to kill a baby or save a Baby? To put feminine hygiene products in boys bathrooms or not? To allow male athletes to compete in women’s sports? Or allow illegal immigrants to come into this country and get treated better than our senior citizens who have carried this country on their backs for many years ? Or the veteran who gave everything for his country and his family. You want to see weird? Look in the mirror.
Randy Mavencamp
Maple Lake