Public Notice



Electronic Bids will be received by the City of Maple Lake, Minnesota, on the website via the VirtuBid electronic bidding application. Only electronic bids will be accepted for this project. Bids will be received on the website, until 10:00 A.M., CDT, on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at which time they will be opened electronically and reviewed for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and all else necessary for the following:


In general, the work consists of the construction of storm sewer improvements with approximately the following quantities:

• 2,429 LF of 4” Drain Tile

• 395 LF of 8” Perforated Pipe Drain

• 287 LF oF12” Solid PE Pipe Drain

• 400 SY of Removals

• 240 TN of Aggregate Base

• 80 TN of Bituminous Course Mixture

• 750 SF of 4” Concrete Walk

Complete digital Bidding Documents are available at by inputting QuestCDN eBidDoc #9271265 on the website’s Project Search page.

Direct inquiries to Engineer’s Project Manager, Chuck Boser, at (320) 229-5537 and Instructions for viewing the bid opening will be made available through QuestCDN and posted on the City’s website.

The Engineer’s Estimate of Construction Cost for this Project is $185,000.

Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.

For this project, the City will only accept online electronic bids through QuestCDN. To access the electronic bid, download the project documents and click on the online bidding button at the top of the advertisement. Prospective bidders must be on the plan holders list through QuestCDN for bids to be accepted.

The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to exceed 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner.

The successful bidder must be a “responsible contractor.” The term “responsible contractor” means a contractor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3. Any prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that does not meet the minimum criteria or fails to comply with the verification requirements is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. A prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that makes a false statement under oath verifying compliance with the minimum criteria will be ineligible to be awarded a construction contract on the project, and the submission of a false statement may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that submits the false statement. A prime contractor shall include in its verification of compliance a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. Before execution of a construction contract, a prime contractor shall submit a supplemental verification under oath confirming that all subcontractors and motor carriers that the prime contractor intends to use to perform project work have verified to the prime contractor, through a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer, that they meet the minimum criteria for a responsible contractor.

Scott Hildebrand

City Administrator

City of Maple Lake, Minnesota
