Corinna Township
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment will convene on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, beginning at 7:00 PM at Corinna Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale to conduct the following public hearing(s):
Any tabled items from previous meetings that have provided the required information.
Requests related to amending the zoning classification of a property. Approvals required include a Zoning Map Amendment for approximately 2.5 acres out of the southwest corner of an approximate 22.6 acre property from AG General Agriculture to R2 Suburban Residential. Applicant and Property Owner: Joseph D and Karla Mavencamp. Property address: 8919 Gowan Ave NW, Maple Lake. Sect-Twp-Range: 24-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206000241104.
Requests related to the construction of a dwelling/garage addition. Approvals required include Variances to construct a 30’ x 40’ 2-story dwelling addition with lower level 3-stall garage and living space on the 2nd floor. The addition itself will be approx. 85 feet from Bass Lake but attached to a dwelling that is as close as 25 feet from the lake (min. 75 ft lake setback required). Applicant: Greg and Martha Reger. Property Owner: Reger Living Trust. Property address: 11655 Kimball Ave NW, Annandale. Sect-Twp-Range: 5-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206000051404 and 206000042303.
Requests related to the adjusting of a common lot line. Approvals required include a Variance to adjust a lot line between a platted parcel and an unplatted parcel so as to ensure a septic drainfield is on the same property as the home it serves. The proposed adjustment would transfer a triangular portion of PID 206038001120 to 206000223300 and result in parcels that both continue to meet the minimum lot size and width requirements of 1 acre and 150 feet wide. Applicant: Drew and Donna Jacobson. Property Owners: Drewonna Trust. Property address: 8132 County Road 6, Annandale. Sect-Twp-Range: 22-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206000223300 and 206038001120.
Measurements and details of requests, including variances or other approvals needed, are approximate and/or subject to change. All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to Corinna Township Zoning Administrator, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale MN 55302. Application information and a staff report are available for viewing at www.hometownplanning.com (staff report typically 5-7 days prior to the hearing date). A quorum of the Town Board may be present at the meeting but will not hold deliberations or make any decisions.
Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment
Dated: August 23, 2024