Time for another Get Together! Annual event that celebrates gear heads is Saturday

By Brenda Erdahl

Clear your calendar for one of Maple Lake’s biggest get -togethers of the year, the annual Gear-Head Get Together on Saturday, Aug 17.

The fun kicks off on Friday night, Aug. 16 with the Gear-Head Pre-Party. Dangerous Man Brewing, The Maple Lake Butchery and the Gear-Head committee have teamed up for this family friendly event complete with live music, food and beverages.

The fun starts at 4 p.m. in downtown Maple Lake.

Some 1,400 shinny hot rods, collector cars, rusty re-models and motorcycles of all eras will roll into town for a day of gear-head bliss Saturday, Aug. 17. See the Gear-Head Gazette inside this issue for more on this fun event.