Checking for Invasive Species

By the MN DNR

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds lake property owners to carefully check boats and trailers, docks and lifts, and all other water-related equipment for invasive species when removing equipment for seasonal storage.

Several zebra mussel confirmations in recent years were initially reported by property owners and lake service providers removing docks, boats and boat lifts.

“This is a good time of year for people to check for invasive species when taking equipment out of the water, because animals like zebra mussels attach to surfaces like docks, lifts and boat hulls that have been in the water over the summer,” DNR Invasive Species Unit Supervisor Kelly Pennington said.

Whether pulling equipment directly onto shore for the winter or transporting it on the road to a storage location, it is important for equipment owners to take steps to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

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