Letter to the editor

My name is Kris, the woman running for City Council.  I appreciate Deb’s letter to the editor that was published on 10/23/2024.  She is correct, I was on council with her for my 4-year term and, I did not always vote in her favor, but that’s the beauty of being part of a governing body, we don’t always have to agree.  Deb is the real reason why I ran for City Council, she was so very passionate about the City of Maple Lake and being a lifelong resident, you could feel her passion.  Many times, we heard how her blood runs green, and you could see her passion during council meetings and how she tried fighting for what she believed in.  I am not a lifelong resident of Maple Lake, I grew up in Robbinsdale, raised my kids in St. Michael/Albertville until my divorce and found myself looking for a new home and I found that in Maple Lake, I was drawn to the charm of the town and live in a home that is over 117 years old and could probably spend my life savings in upgrades, but it’s home.

Deb was one person that I met and was impressed by her friendliness, especially to someone that was considered a transplant. When she talked about Maple Lake you could really see the pride she felt for her town, and how she injected herself in doing what she thought was right for Maple Lake.  I am above the negative, I believe in building people up, having empathy, kindness and really being the best person I can be. Does that mean everyone will like me, no and that’s ok.  I have been on this earth for almost 58 years, and I used to really care about what people thought of me, but as you get older you become a bit wiser, and you can’t sweat the small stuff.

I am the woman running for council but for anyone that really knows me, calls me Kris, Grandma Kris, and occasionally, Kristen but that is typically reserved for my parents who are still here, and they instilled the values of what I live by every day and that is being the best version of me.

We will be going to polls soon, get out and vote, you have many choices, and would I love to be re-elected to City Council, you bet, but if that doesn’t happen it’s ok, I will continue being who I am, kind because doesn’t everyone deserve a little kindness?

Kris Logas (that woman running for City Council)   

Kris Logas

Maple Lake