Pencil Pride

Mrs. Kolehmainen’s first grade has been busy learning all about apples. They have read books about the life cycle of an apple and also about Johnny Appleseed. They ended this unit with an apple taste test. They tried three different kinds of apple and voted for their favorite. Their choices were red delicious, yellow delicious, and granny smith. The winner in their classroom was yellow Delicious. Here are some fun facts about apples:

Austyn Bjerken – Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees. Jace Como – Johnny Appleseed’s real name was

Johnny Chapman. Cadence Dickhausen – Apple trees need to be ten years old to grow apples.

Harlyn Duran – Apple blossoms can be white. Freya Hanson – When apples go to factories they are

brought into a very large rooms that are a fridge. Nick Hermes – I learned that apples taste different. I

liked the green one. Deanna Jansen – Apples are fruit you can eat. There are different kinds of apples.

Vincent Knese – I learned about different kinds of apples. I didn’t know there were yellow apples.

Jack Luebbers – The apples that don’t look the best are used to make other things like apple pie when they are brought to the factory. Charles Lusti – Apples have been around for two million years.

Lily Murnyak – Apples get picked by hand and get put into boxes and brought to stores.

Tanner Paumen – Seedlings are small trees. Annida Pelzel – When apples get brought to the factory

the are put into water to wash them and move them. Knox Schmidt – Johnny Appleseed was real.

Nora Speetzen – Some apple blossoms are pink Austin Stemm – Apple seeds can be planted to grow

trees. Jarethzy Villegas Torres – Apples can be different colors. When you cut them open there is a star shape where  the seeds are. Ben Wessling – Johnny Appleseed was born over 200 years ago.