The Retiree

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By Jerry Hoem

Life with a new computer tablet is not easy. You won’t believe all the crap with which I had to put, just to get the stupid BIG letters to print on TWO DANG WORDS! And now I need to CHARGE THE BATTERY! And I CAN’T EVEN PRINT stuff!

Like it or not, I can live with it. Once, long ago, just after the Jurassic Period, the company I worked for got along with an IBM 1401 computer and 16,000 bytes of memory. It took many MANY passes of computer files to do a day’s work. I’ll explain passes and bytes later if I have time, or the inclination.

Now I can actually TALK to my iPhone – or is it Iphone or IPhone? – and it will WRITE stuff to me. Who would think you could talk to a phone? Grandma actually had a PHONE WIRE! And a CANDLESTICK TELEPHONE! I might explain those too. Grandpa ignored those new-fangled things.

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