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Recycling old Christmas lights

From Wright County Planning & Zoning

When you start taking out your holiday lights, if some no longer work, don’t throw them away. Drop them off at the disposal box at the Planning & Zoning Office at the Wright County Government Center (3650 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo).

The lights and wiring can be recycled and the materials can be reused and contain chemical compounds that are hazardous if landfilled. The disposal box is located at the Planning & Zoning counter on the first floor of the Government Center and will remain until late-December. At any time of year, old or broken holiday lights can be dropped off for free at the Wright County Compost & Recycling Center.

Staff is hoping to outdo the drop-off numbers from last year, which were pretty impressive. Wright County shipped 1,713 pounds of Christmas lights in the 2023 holiday season.

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