The postscript

By Carrie Classon

“He’s on vigil,” my husband, Peter, said, watching our cat, Felix.

Peter, who never had a cat before Felix, has become the resident cat expert. Of course, he has a sample size of one, so all his generalizations about cats are based on Felix.

I had quite a few cats before Felix, so I feel in a better position to say what kind of cat Felix is. Felix is a lively cat—he is the most playful adult cat I’ve ever had. He is not a lap cat and does not like to be carried around. And he is a fussy eater. The first two make sense, since he spent his early life on the streets. The fussy eating is just Felix. He seems to think that, since he was scooped up off the streets into the lap of luxury (not the literal lap, you understand, because laps are much too confining), he deserves nothing but the best.

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