By Brenda Erdahl
Maple Lake will soon be home to another new business. Kelly King has plans to open Cash and Eddie’s Dog Training in late July. She is renting space on the east side of the Barthel Glass building on Division Street across from the fire hall and will be offering evening and Saturday classes in dog obedience, puppy training, tricks and games and more. . . The City of Maple Lake will have a new, full-time city administrator by mid-August. Councilors approved a contract with Scott Hildebrand at their Tuesday, July 2 meeting. He will start on August 12 once he has fulfilled his obligations to the City of Landfall where he is currently employed as city administrator. . . Although only moving at 6 mph, if that, the amount of weight behind two 8-ton combines when they collide lifts the back wheels off the ground and tips the cabs dangerously close together. “It’s scary. The first hit, when the two cabs come up they almost hit each other, it’s really, really close…