Button artists wanted now

By Brenda Erdahl

Now that Christmas is over, Maple Lake’s next favorite holiday, St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner.

One of the biggest festivals of the year, this annual event that features a parade, craft sale, 5K run and Queen Coronation takes place on Saturday, March 15 and with it comes the need for someone to design the St. Patrick’s Day button.

The artist who submits the winning design will receive $25 in Maple Lake business bucks, but more than that, their artwork will be displayed on jacket lapels and purses in the weeks leading up to the 1 p.m. parade. Once the submissions are in, organizers will take the button ideas to local businesses and have them choose their favorite. The festival committee will also get a chance to vote. Once the numbers are tallied, the winner will be announced in the Maple Lake Messenger sometime in February.  As soon as they are printed, the buttons will go on sale at local businesses.  Typically, the committee sells from 300 to 500 buttons depending on the year, organizers said. The majority are sold before the festivities, but they are also sold during the parade which can attract thousands of people depending on the weather. Money raised from button sales goes toward financing paid parade entries. Anyone who buys a button to support the parade is automatically registered to win a $100 prize in business bucks. The button winner is typically announced in the Messenger and on the Maple Lake Chamber of Commerce website.

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