For what it’s worth

By Jim Studer

I never know what I will learn when I visit a casino. As usual, I entered with books in a bag. I only play the lowest games in the betting range. Since the pandemic it has been hard to find a game at the cheap level I play. That usually means only one table is in play, so I get on a waiting list. My waiting time ranges from one minute to two hours. Those of us who play to enjoy the game rather than score big bucks are few but loyal. Thus, players tend to stay awhile making my wait usually a long one.

I bring a book to make the wait enjoyable. A few months back a guy about my age sat down at the empty table I occupied. “I see you sitting here often reading. You must like to do that.” I replied that I did, and that not only that, I told him I had written a few myself. I pulled one out of my bookbag and showed him.

“You know, I have never read a book in my life. Oh, I can read, but I am slow, don’t enjoy it, and I’m not very good at it. I like numbers better than words.”

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