By Carrie Classon
“The Car Wash Dress”
My sister took me to task. “You know I was not being mean about your dress, don’t you?”
She meant the dress that she had said made me look like a car wash—the part of the car wash where the flappy things slap the car dry. My dress looked a lot like that, especially if I spun around. I thought this was hilarious and mentioned it in a column.
“Of course I knew you weren’t being mean!” I told her.
It was not my intention to be so amusing, wearing the car wash dress. From a certain angle, it looks pretty stylish. It was some designer’s idea of a good look, and because I wear a smaller size, I can usually fit into these ill-conceived but affordable cast-offs I find on the internet. Not all of them work out. But I am delighted when I can cause some unexpected merriment simply by showing up in an $11 used dress.