Welcome to the Maple Lake Messenger website…

Your Hometown Newspaper!

Established in 1895, the Messenger is the only newspaper in Wright County still operating under its original name.

The Messenger has numerous awards. The Minnesota Newspaper Association named the Messenger top Newspaper in 2017  & 2019 for “Advertising Excellence!” It has also has earned top honors as “Photography as a Whole”  in addition to high honors in “Best Advertisements” from 2019-2022 and most recently won “Best Use of Color in an Advertisement”,  and two very special awards in “Best Special Editions”, in 2023. In 2024, the Messenger won “Best Special Section (the Maple Flake), also received top awards in “General Excellence”, “Typography & Design”, “Photography-Feature Photo”, and “Photography-Portrait & Personality”. 

Established in 1895, the Messenger is the only newspaper in Wright County still operating under its original name.

The Messenger is published each Wednesday and is filled with the news of Maple Lake, Minnesota. We offer reports on local governments, schools, community events, business activities, births, obituaries, weddings and the news that affects your friends and neighbors in Maple Lake. Pick up a copy of the newspaper at any of the following Maple Lake locations: The Messenger office, at Maple Lake BP Amoco, Dollar General, H&H Sport Shop, Lake Region Co-op, Maple Lake Wine & Spirits, and Spooky Brewing Coffee House. In Annandale, the Messenger can be purchased at Marketplace and in Buffalo, the newspaper is available at Cub Foods. If you would like to have the Messenger delivered to your door, hit this link “subscribe now!”  If you’d like to receive it online, subscribe to our e-edition.

Maple Lake Messenger
P.O. Box 817, 218 Division St. West
Maple Lake, MN 55358

Office hours: Mon. through Thurs., 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday through Sunday: CLOSED (Drop Off  Slot available at Door)

Phone: 320-963-3813

News:         news@maplelakemessenger.com

Ads:            ads@maplelakemessenger.com

Comments: publisher@maplelakemessenger.com

The Messenger is published every Wednesday in Maple Lake

Subscription Rates:
$35 per year in Wright County
$68 two years in Wright County
$38 outside Wright County
$42 Snowbird Rate (Multiple Addresses)
$52 out of state
Add an E-Edition for an extra $ 5.00 with print subscription

$30 E-Edition without print subscription

NEWS DEADLINE:  Monday at 4 p.m.*
ADVERTISING DEADLINE:  Monday at 4 p.m.*
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE:  Tuesday at noon Free classifieds with paid subscription. (This does not included “Help Wanted”, “Rental” or “Business Advertising”)

*If a holiday falls on a Monday, news and advertising deadlines change to Friday at 4 p.m.

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Michele Pawlenty, Publisher/Owner/CEO

Brenda Erdahl, News/Sports Editor

Don Dittberner, Design Editor/Advertising & Print Manager

Nick Pawlenty, Layout Editor/Ad Sales/ML Chamber President

Amanda Menden, Office Manager