Letter to the editor

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Friends & Neighbors by Senator Bruce Anderson

The 2024 legislative session ended on May 20, and since then, I have had an opportunity to reflect on all that occurred in the final hours.

You may have already heard about how the majority party rushed through a 1,494-page mega omnibus at the eleventh hour, catching many by surprise. It was put together behind closed doors and jammed through without proper time for legislators or the public to review or debate. There was not even a copy posted online with the bill language. Unfortunately, the severe lack of public transparency did nothing to dissuade Democrats from passing their extreme agenda.

It will take weeks to delve into all that this massive legislative package contains. However, a few concerning provisions that I can share with you right now will: 1) increase taxes by $730 million; 2) raise your energy costs; and 3) provide pay raises for political bureaucrats. As we learn more about all that’s in this legislation, I will be sure to provide more details.

During my recent discussions with members of our community, many are dismayed by the partisan nature of this session. Minnesotans sent their elected officials to St. Paul to serve as their voice and represent their best interests. By shutting out the minority party from the legislative process, Democrats have disenfranchised the people of Minnesota.

wish I could provide a more positive update, but unfortunately, this is the reality we are facing. Instead of fostering collaboration across party lines, Democrats chose to stifle the voices of Republicans and our constituents. This is a troubling display of one-party control, and it falls short of what Minnesotans deserve.

Contact My Office

As we head into the interim, please feel free to reach out to my office with any concerns or ideas you may have. I always value your feedback. You can contact my office at sen.bruce.anderson@mnsenate.gov or 651-296-5981.


Bruce Anderson