Find your cellphone in five easy steps by Dorothy Rosby

By Dorothy Rosby

Well, I’ve done it again. I’ve misplaced my cellphone. When I’m home, I keep it on my desk. Except when I don’t. And apparently I didn’t. Thus begins a frantic search, some variation of which I undertake practically every day and sometimes twice a day for all manner of misplaced items.

Step 1: I dig through the piles on my desk a second time. It’s so unusual for me to put things where they belong that even saying they belong there is a stretch. Consequently I don’t always look there as carefully as I should. On rare occasions I’m thrilled to find something I thought was missing right where it belongs.

But not today. I do, however, find my car keys and the lid to my food processor, neither of which I even realized were missing yet.

Step 2: I race through the house looking in all the places I’ve been known to put the missing object until I got around to putting it where it “belongs.” In the case of my cellphone, that’s a very long list, including but not limited to my kitchen counter, dresser, bed, coffee table, purse and the pockets of every jacket I own. Then I look in all those places again. You’re probably thinking that if it wasn’t there the first time, it probably won’t be the second time either. And you’d be right.

Step 3: I look in all the places I haven’t been known to leave it—yet. There are fewer of those than you might think—closets, kitchen cupboards, dresser drawers and the refrigerator and dishwasher. This might seem like a waste of time to you, but I once found my phone in the garbage can in the garage so it seems unwise to limit the scope of my search.

To find out more about finding your cell phone, pick up the Maple Lake Messenger!