Friends and neighbors,
Happy Thanksgiving!
We sometimes forget the many blessings in our lives, and this holiday is a perfect reminder of all we have to be thankful for. As I reflect on all that I am appreciative of in my life, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your state senator. I am so grateful to represent our great community and the people who make it such a special place. From my family to yours, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
The Voice of Veterans – 2024 Legislative Priorities
As the Republican lead of the Senate State and Local Government and Veterans Committee, I recently had the opportunity to attend the Minnesota Commanders’ Task Force (CTF) 2024 Legislative Priorities presentation. The CTF is made up of congressionally chartered Veterans organizations in Minnesota, working together to pass legislation on behalf of all Veterans. The organizations include The American Legion; The VFW; Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.; Military Order Purple Heart of the U.S.A.; American Veterans [AMVETS]; Marine Corps League; Paralyzed Veterans of America {PVA}; and the Disabled American Veterans (DAV). At the meeting, the CTF put forward the following 10 priorities.
• Pass a Clean Veterans Omnibus bill (should there be a need for another bill introduced for Veteran issues)
• Modernize the Homestead Market Value Exclusion
• Amend a law to help our County Veteran Service Officers (CVSOs) receive important documents
• Waive license fees on hunting, trapping and fishing for all Veterans
• For Gold Star spouses, fix a property-tax oversight and eliminate vehicle registration fees
• Give property-tax relief to Veterans organizations
• Allow counties to appropriate funding for Veterans Day
• Allocate proceeds from military and veteran license plates to the Support Our Troops License Plate Fund
• Approve seven new license plates
• Work with MDVA to update the Personal Needs Allowance
These legislative priorities were presented as a motion to the representatives of the CTF, and it was passed unanimously by those in attendance. Several legislators besides myself were in attendance: state representative and Minnesota House Military & Veterans Finance & Policy chairperson, Gerald “Jerry” Newton; State Representative Mark Wiens; and State Senator Nicole L. Mitchell.
Addressing the needs of our Minnesota Veterans remains a top priority of mine. As we look to the 2024 legislative session, I will continue to serve as the strong voice of our Veterans and their families in the Minnesota Legislature. Sincerely,
Bruce Anderson
Senator, Republican