Public Notice

Regular School

Board Meeting

Monday, February 12, 2024 


200 Highway 55 E

Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358

Natalie Anderson:   


Colleen Carlson:   


Kaitlyn Helmbrecht:   


Liz Lind:   


Chris Paumen:   


Joe Paumen:   


Branson Thomas:   Present   

Present: 5, Absent: 2.

1. Call meeting to order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. “District #881 is Proud of”

The week of February 5th was School Counselor Appreciation Week. We would like to thank Amanda Labo and Judy Sloneker for everything they do for our students.

Thank you to all the Maple Lake Elementary staff for hosting another amazing Rise and Read on Thursday, February 1. This was a fantastic parent engagement event.

Thank you to Brad, Joe, and Todd for driving to Sauk Rapids to load up over 250 desks for our elementary school. The custodians also worked quickly to dispose of the old classroom desks.  We also had many elementary staff members after school to clean, sort, and move the new desks so our students would have them when they arrived the next morning. Good job, team!

881 Proud of alert! Thank you to Mr. Salveson’s Basic Construction class for building this multi-use staircase for our elementary students. The students can practice walking up and down regular or bus-sized stairs.

Congratulations to ANML Wrestling for winning the Wright County Conference Championship.

Congratulations to Riley E., our Maple Lake Spelling Bee champion! Gavin A. finished runner-up in the contest.

Congratulations to our Maple Lake High School band students selected to participate in the College of St. Scholastica Honor Band event. Carly Frost, Kass Fynboh, Natasha Lodermeier, Alan Haglin, Ashley Gaffney, and Addison Gorres.

Congratulations to Maple Lake Gymnastics for winning the Tumble in the Jungle.

Maple Lake Elementary Irish Pride Celebration – Congratulations to all the Irish Pride students who modeled TEAMWORK this month.

Congratulations to the Staff of the Month: Rachel, Cassondra, and Brianna!

Thank you to the Maple Lake Student Council and advisors Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fynboh for hosting a fantastic Sno-Coming for our 7-12 grade students.

The month of February is School Board Appreciation. Thank you to our school board for making positive decisions that impact students at Maple Lake every day.

4. (INFORMATIONAL) Recognition of visitors


• Mike Rowe

• Lisa Rademacher

• Dave Hanson

• Kris Harlan

• Amelia Gapinski

• Mikayla Warrick

• Brenda Erdahl

5. (ACTION) Approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, February 12, 2024.

Approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, February 12, 2024. This motion, made by Chris Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

6. (ACTION) Approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, February 12, 2024 (See Exhibit 1 – Consent Agenda; January 8, 2024 Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks) ROLL CALL VOTE

Approve the consent agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, February 12, 2024 (See Exhibit 1 – Consent Agenda; January 8, 2024 Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2


8. (7:10) Unfinished Business

8.A. February Enrollment

8.B. Food Service Update

We served 5,000 more meals than a year ago. We have also been using our food service department to cater to more events for our school.

8.C. Approval of Authority to sign checks

Motion to delegate Lisa Rademacher, Financial Manager, authority to sign checks from the Sunshine Fund on behalf of Independent School District #881 during the 2024 fiscal year. Remove Kristi Anderson from the account. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.D. Board Approval of Authority to sign checks

Motion to delegate Kaitlyn Helmbrecht (Chair), Branson Thomas (Clerk), and Natalie Anderson (Treasurer) as new signers for the General Fund checking account on behalf of Independent School District #881 during the 2024 fiscal year. Remove Joe Paumen and Chirs Paumen from the account. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Colleen Carlson, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9. (7:20) New Business

9.A. Confidential Staff Contract

Motion to approve the Confidential Staff Tentative Agreement. This motion, made by Chris Paumen and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.B. Summer Construction Update

9.C. Surplus Equipment

Motion to approve closed bids to sell old auditorium surplus equipment. This motion, made by Colleen Carlson and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.D. Staff Evaluations

9.E. February State of the School

10. (7:45) Representative Reports

10.A. District Leadership Team – Natalie Anderson

10.B. ECFE/Community Education – Liz Lind

10.C. Food Service Committee- Branson Thomas

10.D. Meeker and Wright Special Ed Co-Op – Colleen Carlson

• They are focusing on the reading and core program.

• They are having low staffing concerns and an increase in parent complaints to MDE.

• They are re-vamping their 3rd party billing to maximize money coming into the coop and districts.

10.E. Minnesota State High School League – Liz Lind

10.F. Safe Schools Committee – Colleen Carlson

• Talked about how the vape detectors that were installed in school bathrooms are working great.

• They are experiencing a truancy and behavioral uptick.

10.G. Technology Committee – Chris Paumen

10.H. Wright Technical Center – Colleen Carlson

They were in the paper and had a tour to try to get funding to repair the building. There was talk about inviting Governor Walz and his wife to tour the site as well.

10.I. Elementary School – Kris Harlan

1. 100th day of school today!

2. Conference attendance-94% of our students

3. Enrollment…398 as of today!

4. I Love to Read month….lots of activity; Rise & Read…245 last year; 315 this year! Nim’s Island novel being read; Picnic lunch tomorrow; BINGO/movie March 1

5. Late start: mental health/MCA training & bookroom cleanup

6. Summer Academy: 4 weeks in June

7. Feb. 22-PTA Bingo Night

8. Kindergarten Roundup-Feb 29th

10.J. High School – Dave Hansen

1. 2024-2025 Course Registration

a. Juniors register this Wednesday

b. Sophomores register by the end of the month

c. Freshman and 8th grade students register by the end of March

2. Late Start

a. Mental Health Presentation the first hour

b. MCA test security and administration -hour 2

3. Scholarship Info

a. Senior Class Meeting – next week – Thursday

b. Scholarship Applications due before spring break

4. Mid-quarter

a. Feb. 16

b. HS Parent-Teacher Conferences Feb. 22, 4-7 pm

5. Snocoming was last week

a. Activities – Battle of the Grades activities, coronation and dress up days

6. Testing

a. MCA Pre-test editing is completed (ordering tests)

b. ACT Test March 12

c. Test Security and Administration Training – March late start

11. (7:55) Committee Reports

11.A. Activities Committee – Lind, Thomas, Helmbrecht

11.B. Building and Grounds Committee – C. Paumen, Helmbrecht, Thomas

11.C. Confidential Staff Committee – Carlson, Anderson, Thomas

11.D. Finance and Programs Committee – Helmbrecht, Carlson, Anderson

11.E. Licensed Staff Committee – Helmbrecht, Anderson, J. Paumen

11.F. Support Staff Committee – Anderson, Lind, J. Paumen

12. (8:20) Set Meeting Dates

12.A. Finance Committee – Set March Date

Meeting has been set for March 4th, 2024 at 4:00pm

12.B. Building and Grounds – Set Date – Last week of February

Meeting has been set for February 27th, 2024 at 4:00pm

13. (8:25) Other Business

13.A. Mail

13.B. Upcoming Meetings

13.B.1. Relicensure Meeting at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday, February 8, 2024, in Room D27

13.B.2. District Leadership Committee at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 in the Board Room

13.B.3. Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 11, 2024, in the Board Room

13.C. Miscellaneous Information

14. (8:30) Adjourn

Adjourn Board Meeting at 7:24 pm. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Colleen Carlson, Passed.

Natalie Anderson: Absent, Joe Paumen: Absent, Colleen Carlson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Chris Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2
