By Brenda Erdahl
As much fun as the St. Patrick’s Day festival is here in Maple Lake, it’s also a little sad.
After a year of playing, working, and promoting their hometown together, 2023’s Miss Maple Lake Charlee Wurm, Maple Lake Princess Mady Payne and Maple Lake Jr Princess Olivia Rollings will say goodbye.
The girls will pass on their crowns and sashes to the next generation Saturday, March 16 at a coronation ceremony at the Maple Lake High School auditorium following the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Miss Maple Lake Charlee Wurm
Charlee is the daughter of Keri and Lenny Wurm. She is a senior at Maple Lake High School and her sponsor is Cedar Lake Engineering. She said her time as Miss Maple Lake has made her more confident and outgoing. She has learned to try new things and made many new friends in Maple Lake and other communities along the way. Her favorite memory was “skipping a coronation and going to the lake in our dresses,” she said.
She will miss going to events and seeing all the people. Her favorite events were the Cokato Corn Carnival and the Hopkins Scavenger Hunt. She said her mom was her biggest help and mentor through her year as Miss Maple Lake. “She was always there if I wanted her to be and always around to help me with things,” she said.
Her advice to the next Maple Lake royalty is this, “have fun and take in all the memories. It goes by fast, and you don’t want to forget them.”
Maple Lake Princess Mady Payne
Mady is the daughter of Ryan and Katie Payne. She is a senior at Maple Lake High School and her sponsors are The Maple Lake Messenger and Paws and Claws Grooming. She said her time as a Maple Lake Princess has made her more comfortable talking in front of large groups and more confident in herself. She has made lasting friendships and memories and learned how to be herself and take in every moment. Her favorite memory is eating corn at the Cokato Corn Festival with her royal sisters. Her favorite events were in Monticello, Anoka, Cokato and Delano.
“I made so many friendships during this process. I will stay in touch with everyone,” she said.
She credits the royalty committee for being her biggest help throughout the year, for “always making me feel welcome and comfortable to ask questions,” she said.