By Brenda Erdahl
The Irish Anglers fished once last week before taking some time off for the Fourth of July holiday.
On Sunday, June 30, 13 anglers traveled to Clearwater Lake where they caught a few bass and one northern pike.
The team of Drew Wurm, Henry Holloran and Ethan Helmbrecht finished first. Wurm netted three bass (12 ½ inches, 15 inches and 13 inches) and Halloran reeled in two bass (15 ½ inches and 13 ½ inches) and two pike (26 ½ inches and 21 inches).
The team of Jackson Krauze and Kaeden Klatt finished second. Krauze caught a 14 inch and 15 inch bass and Klatt netted a 12 inch bass.
Since no other fish were caught that night, a third-place award was not handed out.
Volunteer boat captains were, Tom Neu, Vic Krauze, Bruce Ballweber, Tim Jansen and Eric Chlan.
The fishing program would not be possible without its sponsors, including Maple Lake, Lake Property Owners Association, and Fleet Farm.