Public Notice

Public Notice

Sugar Lake

Property Owners

As part of its ongoing effort to preserve and maintain the water quality and recreational enjoyment of Sugar Lake, the Sugar Lake Association is planning to treat aquatic invasive plants.   Current rules require that lakeshore property owners be notified of the plan to treat.  This serves as notice of Sugar Lake Association’s intention to treat in 2024.

• Eurasian Water Milfoil will be targeted in the next several weeks with a 2,4,D product called DMA 4.  This product has been very effective in the past and has also resulted in a reduction of the areas needing treatment.

Signs will be posted in the affected areas when these treatments are made.  There are very few water use restrictions with these chemicals, but property owners should take note of the information on the signs if treatment is done in their area. For more information, please contact the Association via email to

Property Owners have the right to refuse treatment in front of their property from the shoreline out to 150 feet.  Property Owners who do not want to have the water near their property treated must immediately send a letter to the Sugar Lake Association at PO Box 373, Annandale, MN, 55302, stating their desire to opt out of treatments to be made in the littoral area in front of their property.  Please ensure that the lakeshore property address is included with your request, and that the request is signed by the property owner (or their representative).

The cost of these treatments is funded by the Sugar Lake Association and is an important step in maintaining the superior water quality that we all enjoy.  If you are a lakeshore property and don’t already belong, please consider joining the Sugar Lake Association and help by providing a donation to support these important programs. More information can be found at

Thank you for your consideration and support!

Sugar Lake Association Board of Directors

PO Box 373

Annandale, MN  55302
