
Share the road with farmers

Contributed report Motorists traveling on Minnesota roads this fall should be aware of large farm equipment transporting crops to markets, grain elevators and processing plants, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Crash data shows […]


Ask a trooper

Question: Can you talk about U-turns and how and when a person can do them? Answer: A U-turn is a 180-degree turn that reverses your direction of travel. Do not make a U-turn unless you […]


Letter to the editor

Our son recently completed his first year as an Irish Angler.  What a great year he had!  Thank you to the Irish Anglers committee, the sponsors, and the volunteer captains that showed up week after […]


Public Notice

State of Minnesota DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WRIGHT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Dissolution without Child Court File No.: 86-FA-24-4343 In Re the Marriage of: Chintal Yoginbhai Patel, Petitioner, and Bhaktiben Chintal Patel, Respondent. PETITION […]